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If you wish to contribute to the project, please do the following: 1. Verify if there's an existing similar issue. 2. If no issue exists, create it. 3. Once the contribution has been discussed inside the issue, fork this repo. 4. Before modifying any code, make sure to read the sections below. 5. Once you are done with your contribution, start a PR and tag a codeowner.


To set up the development environment, clone the repo:

git clone
cd dl-translate

Create a new venv and install the dev dependencies

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]

Code linting

To ensure consistent and readable code, we use black. To run:

python black .

Running tests

To run all the tests:

python -m pytest tests

For quick tests, run:

python -m pytest tests/fast


To re-generate the documentation after the source code was modified:

python scripts/

To run the docs locally, run:

mkdocs serve -t material

Once ready, you can build it:

mkdocs build -t material

Or release it on GitHub Pages:

mkdocs gh-deploy -t material